2022 was the year of the Double Back.
And boy did things double. Double back had less to do with measurement and more about priority. This was a year of doubling back to Jesus. Back to my First Love. First works.
Focusing on my relationship with God. Increasing and deepening the level of intimacy with my Lord and Savior. My Best Friend, Protector, and Provider. Learning so much about God’s provision and protection, I’ve also learned how to achieve victory without even fighting. I come from a place of submission now, rather than fighting, knowing with conviction the battle is the Lord’s.
2023, The Year of Coming Out.
The extraordinary thing is all this turning in has brought me to a place of readiness like never before to turn out. Or better yet, come out. This is the year baby! Year of Coming out! And I ain’t coming out alone.
The whole body of Christ is coming out. The devil tried to shut things down and keep us out of the church. Well, it’s about to get super loco for the devil and his minions. They thought it was hard trying to keep the church out, now they gotta deal with trying to keep the church in.
No sucka! You had 3 years to shut us down. 3 years God has been firing His church up. You already knew what Jesus could do with 3. Deal with it.
The Church is coming out in 2023.
This world is about to witness a royal priesthood unashamed of its royal inheritance that is not of this world. A holy nation that will not shy away from holiness but be the leading remnant in bringing holy back. A chosen generation who acknowledges and accepts that God has a calling on their lives and determined to live a life worthy of such confidence. A peculiar people who has gone all in to proclaim the praises of their God.
Come Out.
Good news is there’s still plenty of room in this kingdom movement. Get back to your First Love, to your first works, or if you never gave your life to Jesus don’t go into 2023 without Him. Call on Jesus now and ask Him to save you and show you things you’ve never seen before. Then, stop standing around and get to moving. Pray, read your bible, and come on out!