
Loto Joins Champions for Tomorrow

Making Jesus Visible

Loto Joins Champions for Tomorrow

To reach almost 30,000 students in 3 days

This week I had the privilege of locking elbows with a group of some of our country’s top speakers. Big James Henderson, Keith Davis, Tanya Crevier, Jonathan Medina, and many more who couldn’t fit on this page. Literally as well as figuratively. I was amazed as these bigger than life giants in the athletic world stepped into schools and became one of the elementary kids they were reaching out too. Men and women who fired up auditoriums on middle and high school campuses across Central Cali. 50 schools, 70 assemblies, and almost 30,000 students in Fresno County. GOD IS GOOD!!!!! I personally was moved at the thought that they were making an impact on a bunch of Loto’s. Because when you are loving on Fresno or any town in the Central Valley you’re loving on me. I was one of those kids. During these events I was wondering what some kid who can’t bench 500+ pounds, dribble a ball to save a life, or even fold a frying pan into a burrito is doing with these superstars. God reminded me He only needs a yes to lift hearts and change lives. The real Champions were kids who shared with us they wanted to harm themselves but after the assembly they have hope. And instead of harming themselves they choose to be a Champion. And  teens who made a choice to be a Champion regardless of choices others make. We have thousands of cards showing the staggering and productive impact the last 3 days this has had on our children across the valley. Thank you Brad, Suzie, and the whole Champions for Tomorrow Family for letting this valley kid tag along. Bless Jesus!