It was the blast that should’ve ended everything, but it became the flame that has been lighting the world on fire for 25 years now. And as far as I can see, there’s no end in sight. THANK YOU, JESUS,!!!!!

That’s right folks! It’s happy 25th Jesus birthday for your boy! Man, I can’t believe these praying hands been slapping the devil around for 25 years now. 25 and we just started thriving baby! That’s sounds so crazy. I remember when seeing 21 natural ones was a miracle for a little youngster from them Fresno streets. But to hit 25 supernatural ones in Jesus? PRAISE HIM!!!!!

Seriously though. I always trip out when people who haven’t seen me for a while are surprised, I’m still serving the Lord. I be like, “What else would I be doing?” I mean like, is there another better gig in town that I don’t know about? Of course, I’m still in love with Jesus! After all He’s done for this lost cause? Look, those weren’t just pains and messes He delivered me from. Those were also pains and messes I put Him through. And yet He still loved me. Besides, it’s not like I’ve been serving Him all these years by myself.

I thank God for every one of you He placed in my life. There’s no way I would be here or the man I am without Ria, the kids, and the greatest family of leaders God has slapped together. I don’t even want to know what my life would be like without my pastor, Jim Franklin, and my Cornerstone family. My parents and family are the trunk of this tree. A tree I pray will continue to thrive and outgrow any expectation and impact lives around this world. Starting with mine. Not just to thrive and be cute. But that the name of Jesus Christ may be lifted up!!!!!

I love You so much Jesus! You’re my center and every reason for living. Thank You for keeping every one of Your promises. Thank You for letting me live dreams I had no business dreaming. Thank You for loving the me I couldn’t and didn’t know how to love. Thank You for showing me what love truly is. As I said 25 years ago on that hospital bed. Father, I don’t know what you’re going to do with me. But if you let me live in this world any longer, then let it be for Your glory. For this life is no longer mine. This life is Yours. Suafa Iesu. Amene