Thank you Yesenia Mendoza creator of With Love From Yesi.

Loto Ministries thanks all our community partners.
Thank you Yesenia Mendoza creator of With Love From Yesi. Yesenia hosted a writing class to teach a beautiful writing style from one of the most artistically rich part of our history. She not only restored some beauty to our world, Yesenia donated all the proceeds to sponsor Mission Australia 2019. Thank you Yesenia. This generous gift will reach and impact lives. Restoring hope and introducing many to the Father’s love.
Please go to With Love From Yesi for more about this wonderful business and treat yourself to the most beautiful craft.
LM also thanks Yesinia’s home church The Current for generously providing a place to host this class. Notwithstanding all their support for Loto Ministries throughout the years.
With Love From Yesi Click Here from the Current Church
Love and Lord bless,
Loto Lealaimatafao